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Monday, November 28, 2011

For Christmas: I Want the Super Hero Power to Halt Time...

I long for the ability to halt time and stand in the stillness and savor the sights and smells and people and
the moment
to be able to linger
in a space and time without it racing on
the luxory to soak in the experience, especially the mundane
the everyday ones that blend together and get lost in their sameness.
To choose
when to let it all begin again...
when the full penetration of the sensations, emotions, memories have saturated the body and mind...
to live
to learn to relish and not relinquish
to give everything
to hold nothing back while holding on with absolutely everything that is
to be completely abandoned in total awareness

Monday, August 29, 2011

Please check out my guest post on Caleb Wildes Blog: Confessions of a Funeral Director Working at the Crossroads of this World and the Next
Working at the Crossroads of this World and the Next

Friday, August 19, 2011

Have You Ever Wondered...

Have you ever wondered
Where God goes when it rains?

Have you ever wondered
Why the Silence echoes its quiet refrain?

Have you ever wondered
Where the Doorway to Heaven opens when you're all alone?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mothering God

I have walked with God on an intimate level for over 20 years and still I continually struggle with my image of God and 'knowing' how that image shapes me as a Child of God. The Bible is very clear in the images of God as He, Him, Spirit, Father, King, Ruler, Son, Master, etc., but feminine images are harder to come by, and when they are alluded to, it seems it is just that, an allusion.